Five Reasons Why I Play World of Warcraft…And Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of the Taboo

I’ve never been much of a video gamer. I preferred reading books to almost everything else, and in more recent years, very fond of reading blogs and articles online. Imagine my surprise to realize that I would actually like playing any games at all, much less one of the games that has the most taboo and shaming attached to it.

Josh bought me League of Legends before Thanksgiving break my senior year of college. To my surprise, I enjoyed playing it. Before Christmas break, he convinced me to try World of Warcraft.

“We’ll do Refer a Friend, you’ll get one month free, which doesn’t matter because I’ll pay for your account, and if you don’t like it we can just cancel it. Don’t knock it till you try it.” (Not exact words, but pretty close.)

So I sighed, and said okay, and we started Westley and Buttercup, a worgen warrior and warlock combo.

Today, I’ve been playing without lapsing my account for about two years. I have a herd of toons (cough, cough, *gnomes*) am an officer in my amazing guild that has some of the coolest people I’ve met in my life, and even raid on a regular basis.

For awhile, it was hard not really having anyone I could talk to about it. The subject of World of Warcraft is so taboo, starting from the stereotype that all WoW players live in their mom’s basement, addicted to the game, never showering, eating junk food, etc. *rolls eyes*

So here’s me saying, “You know what? I play World of Warcraft. And I defy the stereotype. And here’s why you shouldn’t be afraid of the stereotype if you’ve ever wanted to pick it up.”

So here’s my five reasons why I play World of Warcraft.

Reason #1: The story and lore is amazing.

WoW has a gigantic universe. It started with Warcraft I-III, a real-time strategy game, and the massive multiplayer online role-playing game World of Warcraft came from the same universe and storyline. There is a main storyline, but then each race has its own storylines, some classes have their own storylines, each faction and group of people has its own storyline to delve into, and it’s just mind-blowing, and incredibly extensive. I’ve made an effort to read as much of the lore and storyline as I possibly can, and I still haven’t even scratched the surface. I’ve read a few of the books, and the writers that write the WoW books tend to be decent writers and do justice to the storylines. Even if you never wanted to play the game, the books are good for anyone who enjoys reading the fantasy genre.

Reason #2: The music appeals to my music-nerd side.

I played in concert band/wind ensemble from 5th grade all the way until my senior year of college. If I had more time, I probably still would play in the community band in my town. The music in WoW…I would have LOVED to play it in wind ensemble or concert band at any point in my life. Most of it doesn’t have any words, which makes it excellent to just listen to if I need to focus, or even just to fall asleep to at night. I’ve also snagged the Diablo III soundtrack (also from Blizzard Entertainment) and I actually have a Blizzard Entertainment playlist on my iPhone. It comes in handy. I tend to keep the music turned up above everything else when I’m playing. Most recently, the newest raid that came out has amazing music. I don’t mind wiping ten times in one night if I can keep listening to the music in the raid.

Reason #3: It’s a social game, you can meet people from all over. I also happen to have the best guild of all time.

It took about six months before we landed in the right guild. The original guild I joined when I started playing had some issues with the guild leader, and everyone quit playing except for Josh and I. We decided to roll on a role-playing server (Wyrmrest Accord) on a whim with our friend Ryan, creating three gnomes named Stabbystabz (a gnome subtlety rogue), Minnieheals (gnome discipline priest) and Tinyjewels (gnome frost mage).


Minnieheals. 🙂

We thought it’d be funny to level with PVP on an RP server. Little did we know we’d find Darkwind. The people I’ve met in this guild I can honestly consider my friends, especially my fellow officers. Everyone genuinely cares about each other, wants to help each other, and enjoys downing content together. We’re a laid back group, live by the motto that “real life comes first”, and are not by any means a hardcore guild. We just like playing the game together, there’s no one else we’d rather play with than our fellow Darkwindians.

Reason #4: I’ve gained new skills. What? You can learn things from playing video games?

I have learned better strategies, better quick decision-making and critical thinking, learning how to work better in a group (I HATED working in groups in college, it’s a wonder I can even raid), learning more leadership skills, and oddly enough, getting a better sense of direction. I even get to practice my photography with screenshots in-game.

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Enough said.

Reason #5: Well, it’s FUN.

All of these reasons I’ve mentioned before are what put together what makes the game fun for me. I enjoy vanquishing evil with a group of people, especially on a character that if they existed in real life would probably come to my knees. I like reading the quests and enjoying the storyline. I like vanquishing stress by punching things in the face for a while. I like extending my brain and my skill set.

And finally…you there? You who might have once thought they might want to try this game, and didn’t want to for fear of embarrassment or ridicule? Pick it up if you want to try it out. Don’t regret trying something you might enjoy immensely because of what other people think. Try it out. You never know what you’ll get out of it that you never expected.

149 thoughts on “Five Reasons Why I Play World of Warcraft…And Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of the Taboo

  1. Julianne says:

    Awesome post! I find that it’s the people who have never tried an MMO who hate on them to most. Nobody will ever stop me from playing Lord of the Rings Online, though. (ok, except maybe my dorm internet will stop me most of the time).


    • Samantha says:

      It’s so true 🙂 I find it funny that a lot of people think that people who play MMOs are antisocial too. Hmm…antisocial although they’re playing games with millions of people all over the world. 😛

      Thanks for coming by! 🙂


  2. Charleen says:

    I played WoW for years, from just before BC to maybe a year-ish after Wrath… and then I picked it up again briefly when Cataclysm came out, long enough to level my main through all the new zones, and then went back and made new alts to experience the revamped lower-level stuff. I finally decided there were just other ways I’d rather spend my time, but it really is a great game, so immersive, amazing stories…

    Oh, and speaking of the music… yes, most of it’s instrumental, but I LOVED the Lament of the Highborne, if you’ve ever heard that one (goes along with a Horde-side quest, so maybe not). It’s SO hauntingly beautiful, I must’ve listened to it over and over again when it first came out.


    • Samantha says:

      We actually played Horde for about four months before finding Darkwind. Boyfriend is way more fond of Horde-side than Alliance-side, but our awesome guild is Alliance, so we’ve stayed. 🙂 But yes, my first max-level toon was a blood elf paladin named Bhrea, and they’re my other favorite race besides gnomes. I have Lament of the Highborne on my iPhone as well 🙂 It’s beautiful. Sylvanas’s story is one of my favorites.


      • artmoscow says:

        Censorship. Moderation has two rather different meanings. One is to moderate (or more or less censor), the other is to be moderate, like, play games without complete coming over to the virtual reality. I don’t believe the latter is, actually, possible )


      • Samantha says:

        Well, I was referring to moderation in “being moderate” rather than censorship. I don’t generally condone censorship, so that may be why I tend to exclusively refer to moderation in that phrase as in that sense. I definitely believe the latter is possible, as I am an example of it. I have a wide variety of interests that don’t include World of Warcraft. But, I know there are people who do get addicted, but it could have been anything, from food to TV that they ended up addicted to. I also began playing a few years after being considered an adult, so that may have helped with my development of self-discipline for it.


  3. Pastor James Miller says:

    This article is more profound than maybe you realize. You’re tapping into some of the deepest needs of the soul, and finding them of course in a funny place. But you’re right – that the means might be socially taboo shouldn’t prevent you from pursuing the ends. CS Lewis would confidently read children’s literature in public, because he saw in it something more profound than those who ruled it taboo had seen. And because of that, he and Tolkien encouraged one another to write fantasy and science fiction. And because of them, we have WoW.


    • Samantha says:

      I think what it comes down to is people can’t help what they like. It’s just inherent in their personality, etc. and no one should feel pressured to like or dislike something because of what society thinks. I appreciate you saying that about C.S. Lewis…I had no idea. It’s because of people like them that stories stay alive despite what people may think 🙂


  4. ardenrr says:

    I have never been much of a gamer, as you said yourself, and there is that stigma of a WoW player so I never even considered playing that particular one. However, knowing what I enjoy doing in my spare time, I know that I would probably actually enjoy it and may have to give it a shot. I have always been a self-proclaimed nerd. Happy gaming!


    • Samantha says:

      I mostly only play WoW. I like Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2, and Dragon Age, but they are also games that have rich stories, good music, etc.

      Oh I am definitely a nerd. Always have been, even before WoW. 🙂 Happy gaming to you as well! 😀


  5. cynkingfeeling says:

    I’ve “met” people via WoW (back in the “vanilla” days) that I remain in touch with even though I deactivated my account. I stopped playing not because I didn’t like it, but real life got in the way. I hop on my husband’s account, but I miss whispering those virtual friends that feel awfully real.


    • Samantha says:

      It’s amazing how close you get to people when you are in a guild with them and play with them every day. For me, the people in my guild I’m closest to is because I talk with them on a voice chat program, which makes them more real, so to speak. I’m glad you still keep in touch with your WoW friends, they can sometimes be some of the best. 🙂


  6. bookemstevo says:

    Great post on an excellent subject but perhaps you could use a little less jargon so tech morons like myself can understand? for example:”We decided to roll on a role-playing server (Wyrmrest Accord) on a whim ” I don’t know what that means which limits my enjoyment of the article a little. Hope my criticism is constructive. Just adding my opinion because otherwise I found your post fascinating.


    • Samantha says:

      No, thank you for saying that, I tried making it clear by not using the abbreviations as much, but you’re right in that some people may not understand the jargon. In that particular instance, WoW has three types of servers: Player vs. Player (PVP), Player vs. Environment (PVE or Normal), and Role-playing servers (RP), which can also be mixed with PVP. The basic difference between a PVP server and the latter two is that you can fight other players on a PVP server in the open world, while on RP and Normal servers you cannot attack another player unless they are flagged and want to engage in PVP.

      Thank you so much for bringing that to my attention. 🙂


  7. theotherchameleonofficial says:

    Yeah, I tried a starter account and got addicted… but after about a month or two it just felt like I had ‘beat’ the game. I don’t know, maybe its just me but it seems so repetitive. From WoW I moved onto Eve Online. I liked how players were more in charge of the game, and how it was all on one server. Of course, WoW still has its charms…


    • Samantha says:

      I understand that it’s not everyone’s thing and for not as long as a lot of players. There are other games that offer things that WoW lacks, it’s just amazing to me that Blizzard was either lucky or skilled enough to create a game that had such a wide reach and such a long lifespan.


      • theotherchameleonofficial says:

        I have to admit, when they get the story/lore down, it can be pretty intriguing. I’ve found that if I play every other month, I can enjoy it, otherwise I just sort of get burnt out on the grinding and such… but hey, I’m not really trying to criticize and your post was quiet interesting. 🙂


      • Samantha says:

        No worries! Everyone gets burnt out. I think my schedule is so busy that since I rarely get time to play much (mostly weekends) it takes awhile before I burn out. The grind-y thing is something I try to avoid as well. Thank you for that 🙂


  8. Tony Bird says:

    I have two good friends who are married military-to-military and both of them are really into MMOs. A while back she got deployed for several months, and their way of keeping in touch was to play WoW together. Her strange shifts lined up perfectly with his schedule, and for them it was the next best thing to actually seeing each other.


    • Samantha says:

      I love stories like this. My boyfriend and I were long distance for about nine months after I graduated from college, and WoW was part of the way we could spend time and do things together without actually being together. It helps ease that tension of being apart, really.


    • CompGeekHolly says:

      this was totally my experience. My husband and I were apart for 8months our first year of marriage and WoW was a way to do things together without physically being together. We were not deployed and found ways to visit each other but WoW really helped keep us together when we couldn’t be.


  9. claudiabette says:

    Another WoW player here. I’ve been playing since 2006 and still play my original character as my main. She is a healer, always will be. I’m 36 year single mother who also does photography. I’m not the sterotype either. I work, pay my bills, take care of a 9 year old child and a home. But I find time to game when I can.

    I have met great people as well. Unfortuntately, the guild I attached myself to had a leader who was like Doug from UP (Squirrel!) He never stuck with anything. So the guild dissappated after a year and I’ve been in and out of the game but never attached myself to any other guilds as I found it was hard to do have getting along so well with the first one I had. That guild is no more but I did come back to play for a while in Panderia and liked it. I’m pet battling now.

    Your post was great to read. And congrats on Freshly Pressed!


    • Samantha says:

      Thank you! 🙂 Minnieheals is mostly a healer as well, and I seem to always find myself healing in raids, etc. It’s a thankless job, but it is fun. (Itty bitty discipline priest).

      It’s great finding a great guild, but I can’t even imagine how hard it would be to adjust to finding another guild if anything happened to mine. A lot of our members have ended up meeting in real life because of the game, etc. and have become really great friends.

      I’ll have to head over to your blog and check out your photography as well 🙂


  10. neuroticglader says:

    I played WoW about 3 years ago, right after Cataclysm (I think). The main reasons I stopped was (a) because I got to a point where I wan’t addicted, but I couldn’t find the motivation to do anything else and (b) I didn’t really want to pay the subscription fee. Since then, I have tried a Starter account under a different email, but it just doesn’t have the same effect. Great article!


  11. andy1076 says:

    Oof, I played it for over 5 years and then I had to get off it to catch up with work and education. I still got my characters on the servers though! some day I’ll go back 😀


  12. kellyn131 says:

    I have played WoW for about a year now and tried every race and almost every class. My favorite has to be night elf hunter, as you get the coolest pet. I agree with all of your reason and love reading the law as well. my blog address is bangalowboy.


  13. amypeacelove says:

    I kept laughing as I was reading your post, and my husband was like, “What is so funny?” I told him, and he didn’t understand. I used to be seriously addicted to The Sims; I used to call it “Playing God”. I never considered WoW, and now I need to step away from this post. If it’s as addicting as The Sims was, I WILL end up living in my mother’s basement, unshowered and subsisting on black coffee and ramen noodles. Oh! The temptation! S.Owens, you temptress, you!

    Amy @


    • Samantha says:

      Haha! I’m sorry! 🙂 When I was younger, I played quite a bit of Rollercoaster Tycoon, same thing “playing God”, so to speak. WoW is less like that, because you’re only in control of one character at a time, really, but there’s just a lot to do in it. 🙂


  14. purpleperceptions says:

    I never really played WoW, or any of the larger games after ‘Fate’. Simply because they take up so much time and also, I’ve seen one of those mum’s basement-cliche addicts up close n personal. There was always so much to be done, spending time on a seemed rather extravagant. But lol, I think you’ve convinced me to try it later in the vacation. =D


    • Samantha says:

      It can be a great stress relief. Often I’ll be playing at the very end of my day for maybe an hour or so, and talking to guildies on voice chat at the same time. Something about punching things in the face 😛


  15. The Syncretic Aesthetic says:

    Oh you temptress, reading this makes me want to reinstall and start wrecking things with my warlock. It’s so unfair how people inaccurately portray the fandom! It’s not ALL OF US who get obsessive and raid until 5 am… but we all get lumped into that category, like clockwork.

    I really enjoyed your view on the game, and I agree: defying stereotypes is what life is all about.


    • Samantha says:

      It’s so true! I hate that stereotype. I know there’s a reason it exists, but I have a whole guild of people who are parents, or have families or demanding jobs and just take out what time they can to play, not only because of the game, but because of the people they play with.

      Defying stereotypes is definitely the name of the game. 🙂 Thank you!


  16. Jada M. says:

    I loved loved loved trying to get my Cloud Serpent! I also loved seeing so many familiar cultural references in Mists of Pandaria. Ironically, my bf has learned a lot of new Chinese words because of the Elementals as I loved saying their “true” names (in Chinese). I had to put it aside to finish University, but now that I’ve graduated, I definitely want to begin again in the summer. Glad to see a WOW wordpresser!


  17. N℮üґ☼N☮☂℮ṧ says:

    Great post. In reference to #4: “I’ve gained new skills”, I thought you’d find this article from the Big Think website interesting:

    John Seely Brown is a baby boomer who would wholeheartedly agree with you, and not because he’s a WoW gamer. He’s a researcher who specializes in organizational studies with interests that include the management of radical innovation. Here’s a quote from the article:

    “JSB is not being even slightly ironic when he says that he’d hire an expert player of World of Warcraft over an MBA from Harvard. Why?”


    • Samantha says:

      Thank you for sharing that article, it was really interesting. Obviously, I believe that’s true, although a lot of people seem to poke fun at the idea. Different people produce different results, and with some people it truly helps them a lot.


  18. Fearless Expressioner says:

    Cool insight! I have never played WoW before, but I have brothers that do. I always wondered what their fascination with the game was, but I never asked them. Maybe this will give me the courage to strike up a conversation with them on this topic, and who knows… i may find a new hobby to share 🙂


  19. sedrate says:

    I enjoyed the World of Warcraft I-III games on the computer, I like strategy games. WoW online is just too extensive for me, with 2 little kids they suck up all my decision making power by 9 am. Hubby did buy me the new SimCity which I love, I can bulldoze complaining Sims and be in charge of everything. I let them mine and work while I do the dishes. The kids even come and sit on my lap asking to watch the train stations, “boom a house” and see the smiley faces over happy Sims.


    • Samantha says:

      Strategy has mostly been my weak point in general, and honestly WoW has helped that, although I still am not a huge fan of RTS games like Starcraft. I have never really gotten into the Sims, but I liked Rollercoaster Tycoon games in their day. 🙂


  20. zombatty says:

    I am super stoked to see a blog post like this! I’ve recently started blogging and plan on putting another blog on my website dedicated to video games, but mostly World of Warcraft. I don’t care what people think, I know all sorts of people that play the game and they are all very different, and VERY much not the stereotype.

    It’s time the sterotype stood in a fire and died, never to get a res. Teabag it’s corpse I say!

    I’m following your blog now, and have not yet had a chance to read more than this post, but I will after I snooze.

    I am glad your post is getting the response it has!




    • Samantha says:

      *applauds* Yes! No one should feel ashamed of something they like. It’s ridiculous, and no one else’s business, really, unless one chooses to share it. And sharing is caring, after all 😛

      Thank you so much! I’m heading over to check out your blog as well 🙂


      • zombatty says:

        Right?! When I first started playing I was really shy about saying I played it… that didn’t last long. Say it WoW’d and PROUD!

        … that might have gone too far.

        I’ve tried to share it with people but lots just don’t believe me with how amazing the entire experience is. I guess it’s their loss!

        And you’re my first ‘blog friend’ awww! Time for celebration cookies!


      • Samantha says:

        *noms cookies*

        I have definitely had that experience before, trying to tell people how awesome it is. I know if they just sat down and played for ten minutes they might really enjoy themselves 😛 Or, they might say, hey it’s not for me, thanks for letting me try it. But don’t bash it before you try it, people. 😛


  21. killingmon says:

    I really like the points you make about being able to learn things in game. Most people don’t realize things like that. I mostly learned how to make better pictures in real life much like you. It’s really good practice trying to get good photos in a BG in the middle of a turtle( where both teams are at a bottleneck and no one can pass).


  22. Causeway Management Training says:

    I played Star Wars: Galaxies for a long time and when it began to wind down I thought I’d give WoW a go, not expecting as much from it. It was fun while my motherboard lasted and then I got a laptop through work and it wouldn’t run on there. I don’t miss WoW, but every one of your 5 points made me smile and nod and that’s a good thing.


  23. Kira Lyn Blue says:

    I ended up playing WoW in the same set of circumstances. My boyfriend (now husband) gave it to me as a Christmas gift and lured me into playing. I’ve played lots of other MMOs, but WoW is the only constant because of the social aspect. I’ve been part of a wonderful guild for years now and I just like playing and raiding with them.
    Mistweaver Monk


  24. Little Blue Suitcase says:

    I gave my husband crap for playing this game for so long, afraid he would turn into one of those “nerds” who never left the computer screen. Then I started playing it, and I love it too! Thanks for sharing!


  25. Kim says:

    I was addicted to WoW and multi-boxed for awhile. It was awesome! It draws me back in now and again, and I like that the characters are still there waiting for me to wake them back up to play. Thanks for the post!


  26. Ezra The Mad says:

    I Loved reading this! its is an amazing piece and speaks to my inner no my true gamer! I haven’t played WOW but i do play MMO’s and RPG’s like Borderlands and I must say games have had a huge impact on my life!

    Re blogging this!


  27. Abdul in New Zealand says:

    beautiful topic , i’ve started 1 year ago , (im disc priest btw) .. i really enjoy bgs , rbgs and some arena , but not a big fan of pve.
    As you said people who play MMO games are totally different
    thanks for the post


  28. nickerockers says:

    I used to play, and I loved it for all the reasons you mentioned. I was never much of a fan of raiding though, so sometimes we’d end up doing silly things like creating a pair of Taurens (Steakwith and Mushroomsaus) and running around naked dancing at everybody. For me it was about role playing, and exploring. I almost started a guild called “altaholics anonymous” due to my love of starting new characters from scratch. The game got me through some tough times, with the friendships that I made and the people I met.

    Nowdays I don’t play, but I still play Dungeons and Dragons and it’s kind of the same thing face to face.


    • Samantha says:

      Steakwith and Mushroomsaus makes me laugh! Boyfriend and his brother had a pair of taurens named Mooone and Mootwo. 🙂 I love alts as well, I’ve had a habit of rolling and deleting a bunch, and now a majority of my toons are gnomes. Figures as much. 😛 I like writing stories about my toons as well, but not usually actually RPing in game. Sometimes I post them on our guild website for others to read.


  29. thedroidettereview says:

    Fantastic! I’ve personally never been a fan of WoW but that’s completely just my own opinion (but have played many other mmo’s). Your post is great and I love the fact that you accept your inner nerd and say goodbye to stereotypes attached to “gamers”.
    It takes all types 🙂


  30. Rebecca Cao says:

    This is really hilarious and hits home for me in the light of my own new gaming habit. My boyfriend introduced me to League of Legends and, surprisingly, I really enjoy it. And I’m the last person on earth you’d expect to be a gamer.


    • Samantha says:

      Haha! In my case, League of Legends was like the gateway game, I don’t even really enjoy playing it much anymore, just every once in awhile. (Not a huge fan of PvP in general, but in LoL I liked playing Annie and Katiryna).


  31. Chris Provencher says:

    Great post. I used to play quite a bit of WoW (I stopped shortly after the Cata expansion was released). Less than a year ago I introduced my wife to Star Wars: Old Republic under a similar guise. She wasn’t strong on the idea at the time, but she’s found the story and personal connections to be quite rewarding. We’re now both eagerly awaiting the release of the expansion.

    I’ve recently tried talking her into trying WoW (I occasionally have cravings, and SWTOR is close, but not quite the same), but she’s resisting on the basis of the lack of voice overs (she’s been spoiled a bit by SWTOR where everything is voiced over) and by the fact that she has no prior knowledge of the lore or back story.

    Guess I have to work a bit more on that one ;).


  32. Llwelleyn says:

    Reading this, I agree. I play World of Warcraft and I’ve had run ins with people that either hate a game they’ve never played or other players that A) don’t believe I play or B) get as excited as I do to meet another gamer.

    The music is a plus, too. I wasn’t a band geek (I was in choir, though, do I get a little credit?!) during my years in high school, nor was I into the instrumental music ‘stuff’. But I’ve grown from that point and I think listening to the Blizzard soundtracks have helped me realize that hey, maybe… I don’t have to have lyrics to enjoy music! I love MoP’s sound track; it’s one of my favorites. 🙂


    • Samantha says:

      Run-ins with people for you seems to line up with my experience. 🙂 Of course you get credit for being in choir 🙂 I mostly listen to the soundtracks when I really need to focus. Perfect soothing for my brain 🙂


  33. saltwatersessions says:

    I actually played 5+ years from just after launch through Cata on Skullcrasher – and share your feelings exactly. Raiding, the social aspect- several in-game friends are still folks I chat with and keep up with regularly. I’d add #6 – fishing. I enjoyed just relaxing on some random shore with my undead priest just fishing. I stopped because real life being a single mom started to take all my “spare” time.


  34. jonnydude123 says:

    The one thing i always love about world of warcraft (and videogames in general) is always the art behind it all. Its something i plan to do as a career and for a game like wow, the sheer amount of creativity is astonishing. Very nice blog indeed and i like how you’ve gone in depth with each reason, especially the music lol, video game music is always cool.


    • Samantha says:

      It is astonishing! I know the game has been out for almost ten years now, but it still boggles my mind that they created that many stories for one game. It’s amazing and fascinating.


  35. yanniesaurus says:

    I hate when people complain that video games are taboo. I also hate when the players whine about others making video games taboo? Why play into it? Playing MMO’s are far from taboo any more – at least in Australia, where I am from. While I guess you make some legitimately valid points, I must say that I think you are over exaggeration exactly how taboo it actually is.


    • Samantha says:

      I’m glad that in Australia it isn’t that way, but honestly the United States seems to be a couple of steps behind Australia when it comes to thought about social issues, etc. From what I’ve heard about Australia, the U.S is WAY behind.

      Here, it’s honestly getting better, but WoW is the game that has the worst stereotype/taboo placed on it. I’m not really sure why, there’s people who have written articles about how it’s evil and makes you instantly addicted, destroys people’s relationships/marriages, blah blah blah. Trust me, I had to hear all about it from several different sources, from family members to friends. It gets to the point where you just don’t really talk about it except tentatively, because most people just jump on the bandwagon. There are people who play first-person shooter games for days at a time, but then will make fun of a WoW player for doing the same thing.


  36. moodsnmoments says:

    gaming is fun, ive spend sleepless nights, trying to cross a particular level, or beat my score, or finish the whole thing. it does make your reflexes more prompt and alert.
    a brilliant narrative.
    thanks for sharing and congratulations!
    ps: good luck for the game 😉


  37. ellaspottiswood says:

    Always been so into lotr, games and fantasy but always been a bit skeptical of WoW especially because of the stigma attached to it. This post has definitely opened up my mind about it though, thank you 🙂


  38. Kris P. says:

    My favorite reason you have written down is reason number four. I’ve been playing video games almost my whole life, and the pros you have written about them is true. Thanks for writing such a fun article!


  39. anwar says:

    I do play games in my free time now and it is true that games bring not always bad things to me. This game is very fun, really. Anyway, reading your article makes me want to play this WoW again. Thanks for the article.


  40. Oloriel says:

    Suprisingly, this is the first ever blog or online writting that I found writting about WoW in this way, somehow I would always embark on those articles that would claim how “bad” and “antisocial” (wtf, I’m raiding and talking daily with 24 more ppl and we became real life friends aswell and are visiting each other even tho from different countries?) it is, aswell as bombing everyone with the bassement nerd stereotypes. Reading your blog made me smile,honestly, not because you are a WoW player and I am a WoW player, but because I can feel through your words that something you are doing is bringing you JOY, that is often so scarce and hard to find in this world. So,rock on with your gnome power!

    Kiccpe of Sylvanas EU (proudly a male draenei!)


    • Samantha says:

      It’s amazing how many negative articles there are about WoW out there 😛 I personally haven’t gone looking for them, but I know of people who have. The antisocial thing drives me nuts too, I’ll be talking (literally talking, in Mumble) to 5-24 other people at a time in a channel, laughing, joking, etc. for hours, while playing the game, and sometimes while doing other things.

      Gnome power for sure! 🙂 Thank you for your kind words.


  41. godtisx says:

    I never really get the opportunity to game, but I can appreciate it because I am a filmmaker and it’s kind of a game (juggling the elements), when directing. But I also appreciate what you said about the story and music. Plus this was written in an easily digestible way for a none gamer. =)

    Nice post! =)


  42. Irwan Juanda says:

    Awwwww, I can relate. Reminds me of the time I was playing this game with my brother. I was a warlock and he’s a mage, and he had paladin and played with my priest. Miss that moment. (><)


  43. Ryan Hermann says:

    I have played a tremendous amount of WoW in my days. I started right after BC dropped and loved it from the get go. My main has always been a Mage and its been hard to ever say I liked another class more. Played for about a year after wotlk and then dropped WoW for awhile. I came back at the end of Cataclysm and the drop for MoP. Leveled to 90..Tried a bunch of alts. Leveled a Monk and Pally to 90 and just wasnt loving MoP. Miss the BC days the most. Felt like it was more of a challenge personally. So as of now, I am not playing WoW, but may return at any time 🙂 .Great game and teaches teamwork, tatics, and hard work.

    Great post!


  44. L. Palmer says:

    Oh, if only we could increase the hours in the day or decrease the amount of awesome in the world. I haven’t tried WofW just for the possibility of getting absorbed into the fantastic world. There is so much I want and need to do. Oh, video games. Why do you have to be so awesome?


    • Samantha says:

      Maybe start by reading the books 🙂 They’re pretty quick reads for the most part, especially the ones by Christie Golden (at least she’s my favorite). They’re good fantasy reads in general 🙂 The world is definitely fantastic and well-put together. Blizzard has it right, for sure. 🙂


  45. lotsadots says:

    well i just joined word press and your officially the first blog I found and liked 🙂

    a friend asked me to try out wow, he has since quit the game and left me to find others to enjoy wow with. that was over three years ago.

    I’ve been married for five years, have a daughter of nine months,served in the military for over 12 years, a paramedic and I just got my LPN license in the mail 🙂 so i gladly say screw the taboo too. people use to look at me funny as soon as i said “i play World of Warcraft” with all judging eyes and a look of smugness on such a “‘silly” game. then i remind them of all of which i just mentioned and they accept it. i used to be “the guy” that plays wow at work, but its not such a big deal anymore because wow players can also live busy productive lives outside of Azeroth.

    Victory or Death!

    Voljin for Warchief 😛


    • Samantha says:

      YES Vol’jin for Warchief! 😀

      I hate stereotypes in general. I understand why they come about, but still, no group of people can be lumped into one archetype. It’s annoying.

      Yay! Welcome to WordPress! And I giggled madly at your username. MOAR DOTS


  46. spasticsausage says:

    I’ve been gaming from pretty much the time my now ex husband and I first separated. I was home with my kids who were preteens at the time and not really home so much but still needed me to be available and I wasn’t really ready to have much of a social life at that point anyways. It was a great outlet for me and allowed me the social contact that I maybe needed but only when I wanted it. I’ve played everything from SWG to most recently GW2, and WoW from the very early “vanilla” days, and from my experience it seems like the stigma attached to games is the one we carry ourselves. I’ve never hesitated to talk about my gaming for entertainment and in doing so have not even met with a raised eyebrow nor felt I had to defend it, with the exception of one family member. If anything it was generally the ‘girls don’t game’ stereotype I encountered most, and that was generally in game and several years ago to boot. Over years even that has faded and seems to be clung to female gamers, oddly enough. My kids played with me and it was a fun way for us to bond and hang out in the years when they really aren’t interested in hanging out with parents. Even though I switch games from time to time, I usually find myself back to WoW like a warm comfortable blanket. WoW is where I met my significant other who moved halfway across the world for us and we’ve been together 5 years this year 🙂 We will still play WoW together, when he’s not trying out a new game, only now we are in the same room instead of talking over Skype 🙂


  47. Vinotea says:

    I agree! WoW is a fun game!!! I’m actually new to the WrA server (was introduced to it by a friend) and slowly getting into the RP aspect of the game. My bf introduced me to the game just before BC came out and I’ve been hooked ever since. One of my favorite aspects is the achievements as it gives me a goal to work towards.


  48. Funtown Splashtown USA says:

    I played World of Warcraft from launch in 2004 until I moved to South Korea in 2009. I loved WoW; the raids, pvp’ing, grinding, everything was enjoyable. I found that my life didn’t allow for much video gaming time after that, and I had a baby with my wife 6 months ago. I would love to get back into it, but fear her severe disdain for the game would affect our relationship. C’est la vie?


  49. worldofnomimon says:

    I loved Wow and totally agree with everything you were talking of and experiencing! I was more into Dungeons and PvP than RP but remain respectful to whatever peopel like within the game. The stigma against I feel is often unjust but I guess its up for us all to show them that =) Great post =)


  50. chereekate01 says:

    My husband actually introduced me to Wow after me teasing him about it for years. Now I love it! Though I have to admit, I’m still not quite prepared to share this detail with all of my very un-nerdy friends. I’m not sure why it matters, but I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t approve. Hopefully one day I’ll be comfortable admitting that I’ve been a closet nerd for years.

    Great post 🙂


  51. mrky007 says:

    Everything you said is true and I would add one more reason to play World of Warcraft; and that is a little piece of software called WoW Model viewer. When installed it turns your WoW installation into a box full of Legos. You can view each 3d model from the game and export it as image (and play with it in Photoshop) or as a 3D model (take a look at Wow machinima). So I have WoW on my hard drive for years now and I played the actual game for a couple of days maybe. But still with use of Model viewer it is one of the most fun games I ever had 😉


  52. silversun008 says:

    I have been a WOW player for many years now. I started playing shortly before BC came out, and I have no desire to leave the game anytime soon. I can honestly say that playing WOW has changed my life.

    I have severe social anxiety, and this is one of the few outlets in which I can chat with people without freaking out. I have met some kind and awesome people over the years as a result 🙂

    Also, warlocks ftw! 😀


    • Samantha says:

      And people say WoW isn’t a social game. -_-

      And warlocks are awesome aren’t they? I didn’t really learn to warlock until the end of Cata, and now have been playing a gnome one named Katiryna. Pretty fun to play!


  53. Just to Cross It Off says:

    I found WoW in college. My boyfriend, at the time, played and got me interested due to this helpful website ( I only made it to a level 8 Night Elf Rogue.. I played for all the reasons you brought up but I left because I wanted to make my own stories and be in complete control…. this is where I found Sims, which I still play today 8 years later. I love video games; the only thing I love more is the look on a guys face when a girl whoops his ass at his favorite game. I thought you brought up some great points and were pretty persuasive at times. I, too, use to hide that I played WoW because of the bad connotations that this specific game has. But you’re right there’s no reason to hide it and infact I believe it makes you a more interesting person. And you’d be surprised who all plays and what connections you can make with people because of this common experience. I immensely enjoyed reading your article and I can’t want to read more from you. 🙂


    • Samantha says:

      Thank you so much! I understand somewhat wanting complete control, but I’ve always been a fan of “fanfiction” so to speak, it’s kind of fun to take a structure and run with it. I don’t really roleplay on WoW but I enjoy making up stories about my character’s backgrounds, etc.


  54. Kim says:

    I’m a grandma in my 50’s and have enjoyed playing WOW for several years. My youngest daughter turned me on to it and I turned my son onto it. I stopped for about a year, but came back over holiday break. Thanks for the article about it!


    • Samantha says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed it!

      I’ve been trying to convince my dad to play for a few years, because he’s retired and SUPER social, and I just think he’d love it. But alas, still trying. Thanks for reading 🙂

      I like both factions, my guild is Alliance but we have a horde-side guild too. The people are just so great, I will play with them on whatever faction they choose 🙂


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